The ONA Legal Panel, a fixture at our conference since its inception, is celebrating our birthday right along with us. ONA General Counsel, Michael Kovaka, will moderate this popular interactive conversation on the unique legal issues surrounding digital journalism -- what’s new, what keeps our legal teams awake at nights, and anything else that might be on your mind. We’ll cover everything from how the First Amendment applies to the digital age to whether your newsroom should have a social media policy. We’ll provide updates on the efforts around the federal shield law and other recent court rulings that directly and indirectly impact your work. Come armed with real-life problems and questions for our team of experts.

David Ardia - Assistant Professor of Law, UNC School of Law
@dsardia |

Samuel Fifer - Partner, Dentons
@samuelfifer |

Gregg Leslie - Legal Defense Director, Reporters Committee for Freedom of the Press
@gregg_leslie |

Barbara Wall - Vice President / Senior Counsel, Gannett Co., Inc
@barbarawall |

Michael Kovaka - Special Counsel, Cooley LLP