This session is sponsored by Stop Doing Extra Work: Creating a Repeatable Foundation for Your Organization’s Data Viz
A lot of times it seems there are two strategies for creating data visualizations. One option is to use a tool where you have to do less, but you’re stuck with a lot of default decisions. The other is to create custom work that allows you the freedom to make all of your own decisions, but it takes more time and a higher level of coding skill. There is a middle ground: creating a reusable bit of code that contains the basis for how you want your visualizations to work and be designed. Come learn how to make a repeatable foundation! Bring your laptop and charger. Please note that the capacity for this session is 45 participants. Seating will be provided on a first-come, first-served basis.
Michelle Minkoff - Interactive Producer, Associated Press
@michelleminkoff | http://www.michelleminkoff.com