
Delivering on the Promise of the Click

This is for a Panel in the category for a Intermediate audience.

Today, every trapping of distribution has been stripped away. LinkedIn is a content destination, Twitter breaks stories, BuzzFeed produces hard news, TV shows have blogs, magazine conglomerates have TV shows. In a world where mediums don’t matter, a media brand like The Atlantic or is just an “idea.”

When people come across one of your stories in their social feeds, It’s the idea of your brand that compels them to click. Once they’ve clicked, they are either inspired by your story, or disappointed. If they are disappointed, you’ve sparked “micro-hate.” But, if you’ve delivered on your promise, and they are inspired, then you’ve created a moment of “micro-love,” and they are more likely to share your story–and also more likely to click on the next one they see.

In this panel or talk, moderated by Jean Ellen, we will explore ways to create these moments of “micro-love” through the articles you write.

How does your submission contribute to the diversity of the conference?

It explores high quality journalism in the social age. The social web still demands some of the tenets of good journalism. This will speak to reporters and editors from new and old media and will help forge the link between the two.

What will your audience have gained by the time your session is over?

Suggested Speakers

Jean Ellen Cowgill | @AMStrategy

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