
News games

This is for a Panel in the category for a Beginner audience.

News games get a bad rep, because they’ve largely been equated with “gamification” ideas. With the huge success of quizzes and playful interactives, we think that’s about to change. We will invite game designers and game developers to discuss what makes games sticky and effective experiences for news. We’ll show off some interesting ideas and tools from game design and development that could be used to build news games in your org.

How does your submission contribute to the diversity of the conference?

We're covering a more experimental topic area for online news. Additional panelists will be from diverse backgrounds outside of news — indie games, serious games, games for change. Women and minorities will be represented on the panel.

What will your audience have gained by the time your session is over?

Suggested Speakers

Sisi Wei | @sisiwei

Rebekah Monson | @rsm

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